So one day at my 9 to 5, I made a comment about an individual who was carrying a gun in his pocket. Before I go any further I must inform you that person was a young man of color. Keeping in mind this individual had every legal right to carry and posses the weapon he was carrying. The fact that he was carrying said weapon in his pocket was not a good look, which was the point I was trying to make to the individual I was speaking with. But somehow this became a political statement by me. Now can I get political yes! But not at this time. Now you may ask where this going, let's just say that when my supervisors approached me concerning this matter and I had to explain what I meant one understood completely and the other was less enthused about what was said. As a black man that carries a gun for work as well as when I'm off duty I have to mindful of my surroundings. I have to account for the fear people may have when they see my weapon on my hip. So yes I felt I was going to have to apologize for pointing out that this young man was going about things a litle wrong. Having a weapon and not informing the staff of his weapon causing them to already react a little fearful of him. I would like to say that once it was established that this young man was in fact in law enforcement you would think that all fear and apprehension would dissolve, truth be told it didn't. Which opens the question was it because he was a man of color with a weapon or the way he was carrying his weapon?
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